
Ranking sitcom characters

As we all know, some sitcom characters are funnier than others. So who's the most funny and least funny? At long last, the answer to that question.

In order of more funny to less funny. The bigger the number, the less funny.

"How I Met Your Mother"
1 Barney Stinson
2 Marshall Eriksen
3 Robin Scherbatsky
4 Lily Aldrin
5 Ted Mosby

"The Big Bang Theory"
1 Sheldon Cooper
2 Leonard Hofstadter
3 Howard Wolowitz
4 Rajesh Koothrappali
5 Penny

"The Office"
1 Michael Scott
2 Kevin Malone
3 Creed Batton
4 Dwight Schrute
5 Andy Bernard
6 Toby Flenderson
7 Kelly Kapoor
8 Jim Halpert
9 Angela Martin
10 Stanley Howard
11 Phyllis Lapin
12 Meredith Palmer
13 Pam Beesly
14 Ryan Howard
15 Oscar Martinez

"30 Rock"
1 Liz Lemon
2 Jack Donaghy
3 Tracy Jordan
4 Jenna Maroney
5 Kenneth Parcell

"My Boys"
1 Andy Franklin
2 Kenny Morittori
3 Mike Callahan
4 Brendan Dorff
5 PJ Franklin
6 Bobby Newman
7 Stephanie

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